Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Nearing the two-month mark

Well it's the beginning of May, and I'm nearing my two-month anniversary of my boycott against ESPN broadcast products. It's hard to avert my eyes when I'm at sports bars, still it must be done. I think I'm better for it, and I am also happier.

The other day I was talking with members of an Indy Racing League team. They told me Fox Sports produced a Sports Science show, not just a spot, about IndyCars. Fox needed race footage from ESPN. Fox asked for it, and the four-letter network charged an exorbitant price because it's "in a pissing match" with Fox. Naturally, Fox balked at the larger-than-normal price. This featured Sports Science show would be a win-win scenario for the IRL and ESPN, but those in charge at the four-letter obviously don't see it that way.

Last month I posted that Robin Miller complained about the lack of IRL coverage on ESPN. I took his word for it and said there should be a symbiotic relationship between the two. The above example confirms my suspicion that there isn't.

It's logical to expand this thinking. If the four-letter did this to one league, it's bound to happen to others - like the NHL.

Boycott start post - http://auxlepli.blogspot.com/2008/03/espn-boycott-day-1.html
Indy Racing League - http://www.indycar.com/
Sports Science - http://msn.foxsports.com/sportscience
Robin Miller - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Miller_(journalist)
ESPN rant post - http://auxlepli.blogspot.com/2008/04/wealth-of-nhl-outlets-espn-rant.html