Saturday, February 23, 2008

Open letter to Mike and Mike

Due to the show's lack of hockey chat and updates I will no longer listen to Mike and Mike.
I really like you two and admire your work. It's funny and informative.
Alas I'm a hockey fan for better or worse, and while I'm in the minority, it's my passion. It by far exceeds my interest in any other sport.
Frankly I need to more coverage of hockey in the morning. It's sorely lacking throughout the states.
As the self-proclaimed "world-wide leader" in sports I would think ESPN would be leading the charge, yet sadly this is not the case. I would love to hear interviews with hockey players and hockey analysts.
Also the lack of the previous night's scores is extremely galling. I remember one day in particular this past week there were three or four NHL games the previous night, yet only one game's final score was mentioned the following morning.
I'm tired of baseball's steroid scandal. In my opinion Mike and Mike's coverage of it this past week was akin to Entertainment Tonight's coverage of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton. I care more about what happens on the ice, court or field.
That's where the focus should be. It shouldn't be on a courtroom, on the combine, nor on a soap opera.
Thank you for your time.

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