Friday, March 28, 2008

Props to Sporting News Radio

Besides Fox Sports Radio, Sporting News Radio is another viable alternative to the four-letter network.
Sporting News Radio gives complete NHL scores too, and the talking heads don't seem to shy away from hockey chatter.
An example: On Todd Wright's show last night he talked about the Buffalo Sabres. As my brother and I were driving home from a family dinner, I turned up the radio because I was excited about hearing hockey talk on the radio.
"Oh wait hold on," I said and turned up the volume. I was excited about hearing hockey talk on the radio, and mentioned to my brother I don't hear much on it.
We talked some more and eventually he's like, "I bet you like Mike & Mike."
"I love them," I said. "But now I'm boycotting them, ESPN radio and all ESPN channels."
He gave me some grief, but I explained my reasoning which I've mentioned in earlier blog posts.
"What about when they show Wayne Gretzky and Jari Kurri at number three on their Dynamic Duo list?" he asked.
I thought about it a moment, and something didn't jive.
"That's Fox Sports Net," I said. " I saw their Batman and Robin promos when I was watching the Pacers game on FSN Indiana up in Indy."
"Oh yeah, that's right," he said. "ESPN use to broadcast NHL games right?"
"They (NHL) use to be on Fox."
"Yeah, they're still on Fox's regional networks," I said. "But at least they don't have the glowing puck anymore. I hated that."
So anyway another good show I listen during my commute is David Stein's. He talks about the postives in sports and how sports influences a person's life in a postive way. I like that show quite a bit.
One Sporting News Radio personality I really miss is Papa Joe Chevalier.
I listened to him in the mid-90s, when SNR was known as One on One Sports. I remember Papa Joe talking a lot about hockey. He'd compare the Red Wings to the Soviet teams. This was when the Wings skated the Russian Five on a regular basis, and I was just a budding NHL fan then. I gravitated to this comparison because in my mind it harkened back to the Miracle on Ice. There was a tangible connection, but I didn't know it then. Slava Fetisov played on the Wings and was a member of the 1980 Soviet team. I was pulling for the Red Wings in the 1995 Stanley Cup Final, but the Russian Five probably cemented my hockey love for the Wings.
After an Internet search, I found Chevalier is on the air in Las Vegas, but I don't think his show is syndicated now. If it is I still haven't heard him in ages. I mean who couldn't love Bite Me Wednesdays?

Russian Five;
Papa Joe Chevalier;
Todd Wright;
David Stein;
Sporting News Radio;
Miracle on Ice;

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